Russian Missile Attack Against Dnipro

Friday, May 26, 2023
Russian Missile Attack Against Dnipro

26th May. 3 people were killed, 26 wounded

The enemy fights in agony. On the night of May 26, the Russian occupiers again forced Ukraine to declare an air alert throughout Ukraine. Air defence system worked in Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Dnipro region. In total, on the night of 25 to 26 May, Ukraine repelled attacks of 24 drones of various types and 10 cruise missiles. However, the occupiers also concentrated too many forces on the front-line area — along Dnipro, which is essential in the Ukrainian confrontation. Therefore, the sounds of explosions sounded in the Dnipro. During the night, the Russian air force launched a missile attack on a gas station and a private enterprise in Dnipro city. 1 person was wounded. In addition, the Ukrainian air defense was able to prevent attacks of another 5 cruise missiles and 6 strike drones Shahed.

Whether the aggressor sought to intimidate the civilian population once again, struck indiscriminately, or sent a missile that missed its target, is not clear.

But in the morning Russia struck a 2nd missile attack on the Dnipro. The aggressor wanted to equal his losses on the battlefield with Ukrainians. That’s why the Russian missile hit the city hospital. The explosion almost completely destroyed the 3-storey hospital  and damaged the sports stadium, veterinary clinic, and residential buildings.

As of 3 p. m., 26 wounded (including 2 children) and 2 dead people were removed from the rubble of the hospital. Another man passed by the building but was hit by a piece of shrapnel during the explosion. He died on the spot.

It is also known that the veterinary clinic was badly damaged. Eyewitnesses report that they saw many injured pets and animals with burns.

Search and rescue work is ongoing. So far, 3 more medics on duty cannot be found.

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