Russian Tanks Opened Fire on 7 Children

by Olha Povaliaieva
Saturday, March 19, 2022
Russian Tanks Opened Fire on 7 Children

The Russian military began shelling a Ukrainian car during the evacuation from Kyiv

Under the village of Makarovo in the Kyiv region, the occupiers opened fire on civilian vehicles. The tanks started firing machine guns at a car containing seven children. Fortunately, the children survived. Two women were injured.

Increasingly Russians neglect the table "children" on cars, bomb shelters, etc. This leads to increased mortality of the younger generation.

The most striking example is the action in Lviv. On March 18, local people placed 109 strollers on the square to honor the children who died during the war. On 19 March, the number of children who died at the hands of the Russian occupiers rose to 112.

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