Russians Killed American Volunteer Pete Reed 

by Roman Cheplyk
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Russians Killed American Volunteer Pete Reed 

"The New York Times" published a video of Russian soldiers killing medical volunteers in Bakhmut

On February 2, Russians in Bakhmut deliberately killed with missiles a group of volunteers, including American medic Pete Reed. A terrible event happened in Bahmut, Donetsk region. Reed volunteered for 9 years: from hurricane Sandy, that affected volunteer home in New Jersey, to Iraq, and Ukraine. He helped over 10.000 people and survived.

The New York Times reported that the Russian armed forces launched a missile attack on volunteer cars and added a video of the terroristic attack. The video proves it wasn't a random shooting: the missile was aimed at a group of volunteers who were near their cars and assisting the wounded civilian. An Estonian volunteer from Frontline Medics, Erko Laidinen, was near the scene of the explosion. He took a video and passed it on to the experts. 

The main proof that the missile that hit the volunteer brigade was not accidental is the conclusion of frame analysis. Experts have determined that the aggressor used the Cornet laser-guided anti-tank missile. This missile can fly no more than 5 km, that is, the shooter himself selects and sees the target.

In 2022, Russia killed 12 journalists.

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