Salaries in the Ukrainian IT sector Increased by 20-40%

by Roman Cheplyk
Friday, December 24, 2021
Salaries in the Ukrainian IT sector Increased by 20-40%

In 2021, salaries in Ukrainian IT increased by 20-40%. The amount depends on the position and qualifications of the employee

At a press conference on December 20, Vlada Lyaschenko, managing partner of the international IT recruiting agency CNA International IT (a recruitment agency specialized in finding IT specialists for companies of any size), said that salaries in Ukrainian IT have become noticeably higher in 2021.

The salary of junior specialists has grown by 29-25% and senior specialists — by 30-40%. For example, if senior specialists could earn $8 thousand at the beginning of the year, then in December, their salary can range from $12 thousand to $14 thousand.

During 2020-2021, the number of physical persons-entrepreneurs specializing in computer and information services in Ukraine increased by 40%. And according to the National bank of Ukraine, for nine months of 2021, the export of IT services from Ukraine increased by 35%, the revenue of the domestic IT business reached $4.84 billion — in fact, the level of all 12 months of last year.

This year, the most in-demand positions were the positions of recruiters, DevOps engineers, and front-end developers. The number of open vacancies for the recruiter position has grown 9.5 times over the year because Ukrainian specialists could work remotely for American and European companies.

More than 250 thousand IT specialists are registered in Ukraine, and the companies have published more than 10 thousand vacancies. In 2021, employers posted 112 thousand vacancies, two times more than last year.


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