Infographics: Sunflower field

Monday, February 8, 2021
Infographics: Sunflower field

Sunflower field in infographics. At the moment the field is sown with LG 55.50 and LG 56.63 CL sunflowers.


  1. Nearby objects
  2. History
  3. Location
  4. Property rights
  5. Special purpose
  6. Environmental and sanitary standards
  7. Connections
  8. Documents


  • Address: Kherson region, Schastlivoe village.
  • Total area: 24 hectares
  • Price: $ 25 000

Nearby objects

  1. Artifactual channel - 79 m
  2. National natural park Oleshkivski sands - 10 km
  3. Gas station - 21 km
  4. Dnipro river - 38 km
  5. The Black sea - 75 km


Crop rotation: cereals and soybeans

At the moment the field is sown with LG 55.50 and LG 56.63
CL sunflowers.

Productivity - not less than 50 centners.

Cadastral numbers:


The facility is located in the agricultural sector of Ukraine.

An artificial canal, the Dnieper River, the Black Sea and the National Natural Park are located next to the field.

Property rights

The object is privately owned.

After the purchase of the field shares, it is leased for 49 years.

Special purpose

Object type: agricultural purpose

The purpose of the land: land plots for agricultural activity, personal peasant farming, gardening, truck farming, hayfields and cattle grazing, commercial agricultural production, farming.

Environmental and sanitary standards

Not subject to change of purpose.

The black soil.

The climate is moderately warm, a large amount of precipitation, which contributes to high-quality growth.

Not issued for the construction of industrial enterprises, housing and communal services, railways and highways, power transmission and communication lines, trunk pipelines, as well as for other purposes not related to agricultural production, mainly non-agricultural land or agricultural land of inferior quality is provided.


There are no communications on the territory. Well drilling is possible.

Humidification of the earth comes from natural water sources - canal, river and sea.


Acute information about the state registration of ownership of the object

6525085600:06:010:0013 and 6525085600:06:010:0014

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