The National Railway Company Develops Cargo Routes

by Evheny Lazorenko
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
The National Railway Company Develops Cargo Routes

On September 28, 2021, “Ukrzaliznytsia” Launches the First in the History of Ukraine Container Train With Goods to China

“Ukraine has great export potential and the new team of the Ministry is actively working on its development. It is important for us to integrate into the global transportation system, which is expanding rapidly and defines modern investing-in-ukraine/service-for-investors/logistics-providers/" rel="dofollow">logistics. For example, in the EU the share of container traffic is about 45%. In Ukraine, we are talking about only 2.5%. At present, we cannot make full use of the factor of our geographical location, because, in fact, our railway and port infrastructure is still outdated. Therefore, the renewal and development of infrastructure for the "sea-railway" format will be one of the main tasks of Large-scale construction program in the coming years," said Oleksandr Kubrakov, the minister of infrastructure of Ukraine.

The most optimal transport for the development of trade relations between Ukraine and China is rail container transportation.

The train departed from the container terminal of Ukrzaliznytsia in Kyiv. On its way to the city of Xi'an, the train will cover almost 10 thousand kilometers through the territory of 4 countries, the estimated travel time is 18 days.

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