The Procedure of Opening a Plant in Ukraine 

by Olha Povaliaieva
Monday, February 14, 2022
The Procedure of Opening a Plant in Ukraine 

This is the perfect opportunity to build your plant and take advantage of our supportive environment

With a straightforward plan, an experienced local team of experts, and intelligent lawyers, you’ll get the most from your investments in Ukraine. 

What kind of plants is right up my alley? What do you want to produce? Where do you want to export? What do you have for your start? Call GT Invest, and let’s solve it together. 

What is the plan to launch your plant in Ukraine:

  • Market research and analysis;
  • Strategy development;
  • Search for a location;
  • Business and legal entity registration;
  • Accounting and legal assistance;
  • Buying land;
  • Obtaining a building permit;
  • Construction;
  • Obtaining permission to put the facility into operation;
  • Recruiting and hiring personnel;
  • Development of personal software for running your business from anywhere in the world online;
  • Receiving the first product of your production.
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