The US Considers Supplying Long-Range Missiles for Ukrainian F-16s

by Roman Cheplyk
Friday, August 16, 2024
The US Considers Supplying Long-Range Missiles for Ukrainian F-16s

The Biden administration is exploring the possibility of equipping Ukraine’s F-16s with JASSM long-range missiles, enhancing their combat capabilities

The administration of US President Joe Biden is considering providing Ukraine with long-range air-to-surface missiles, specifically the JASSM (Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile), to bolster the combat effectiveness of Ukrainian F-16 fighters. This move, reported by Politico, comes as Ukraine's Armed Forces continue their ground operations in the Kursk region of Russia.

While a final decision has not yet been made, discussions within the White House and Pentagon are focused on resolving technical issues related to the transfer of sensitive technology and ensuring compatibility with Ukraine's aircraft. These long-range missiles would allow the Ukrainian Air Force to strike high-value targets from distances exceeding 320 kilometers, well beyond the reach of enemy air defenses.

The potential delivery of JASSM missiles, which the US has historically shared only with a few close allies, would significantly enhance Ukraine's ability to conduct strategic airstrikes. However, there is still considerable work to be done to ensure that both Soviet-era aircraft and newly delivered F-16s can effectively deploy these advanced weapons.

This development follows recent reports that Ukraine has already received its first F-16 fighters from the Netherlands, with additional aircraft expected from Denmark and other European allies. The Biden administration's willingness to provide such advanced weaponry underscores the growing support for Ukraine as it continues to resist Russian aggression.

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