Ukraine Boosts Gas Production with Two High-Capacity Wells

by Roman Cheplyk
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Ukraine Boosts Gas Production with Two High-Capacity Wells

Ukraine’s “Ukrgazvydobuvannya” has successfully brought two high-capacity gas wells into operation at one of the deepest fields in Eastern Ukraine


Together, these wells are producing a remarkable 390,000 cubic meters of gas daily, with individual outputs of 270,000 and 120,000 cubic meters respectively.

Located at depths of approximately 6.2 kilometers, these wells were drilled almost simultaneously and completed in just eight months—a significant improvement over the usual two to three years required for similar projects. This efficiency highlights advances in Ukraine's drilling technologies and operational strategies.

The activation of these wells is part of a broader initiative by Ukrgazvydobuvannya, which has launched a total of seven high-throughput wells since the beginning of the year. This effort is in line with the Naftogaz Group’s recent announcement of a 12% increase in gas production in the first quarter of 2024, marking the highest yield for this period in the last two years. Further development at the field is ongoing, with more appraisal wells expected to be completed shortly.

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