Ukraine: Can’t Put Lives on Pause

by Olha Povaliaieva
Monday, January 30, 2023
Ukraine: Can’t Put Lives on Pause

Ukrainian citizens will be able to marry, divorce, and get documents for newborns in other countries

16.3 million Ukrainians (as of December 2022) were forced to flee the war in foreign countries. It seems that the refugees have started a new, safe life. But in fact, the Ukrainian refugees have put their lives on pause. But Kyiv is trying to help citizens even abroad.

The cabinet of ministers of Ukraine has adopted a resolution on granting preliminary powers to the country’s diplomatic institutions abroad. Foreign diplomatic institutions of Ukraine will now have access to the civil registry. This will allow Ukrainians in a foreign country to receive birth certificates of children, and death certificates of relatives. Refugees would also be able to register their marriage in another country and even divorce. Insofar as many Ukrainians during the Russian war lost everything, including documents, Ukrainian missions will take applications for the restoration of documents.

The Ministry of foreign affairs is currently in the process of identifying diplomatic institutions that can assume new functions and access the state register.

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