Ukraine Returned Home Children From Russian Deportation

by Meifan Honcharuk
Saturday, August 26, 2023
Ukraine Returned Home Children From Russian Deportation

On 26 August, 11 illegally displaced children returned from Russia to  their parents in Ukraine

This was announced by the former commissioner of the president of Ukraine for children's rights, Mykola Kuleba. He is an active figure and founder of the Save Ukraine foundation, which deals with the return of abducted Ukrainians. This time, as part of the mission, 11 children returned to their homeland, which the invaders held in the Russian Federation and occupied territories. Save Ukraine team has already returned home 161 children whom the Russians kidnapped during the war.

According to Daria Gerasimchuk, adviser-commissioner of the president of Ukraine for children's rights and child rehabilitation, the names of almost 20.000 children abducted by Russia are known. However, she believes that the actual figure may be 10 times higher.

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