Ukraine’s Solar Stations Achieve Daily Production of 3 GW, Announces Derzhenergonadzor

by Roman Cheplyk
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Ukraine’s Solar Stations Achieve Daily Production of 3 GW, Announces Derzhenergonadzor

Large solar plants in Ukraine are currently producing approximately 3 GW of power daily, playing a crucial role in supporting the nation’s power system during daylight hours

This significant achievement was highlighted by the State Energy Supervision Inspectorate of Ukraine, as reported by the Ukrainian News Agency.

Contribution of Individual Solar Stations

Ruslan Slobodian, head of Derzhenergonadzor, emphasized the growing impact of individual solar stations. He noted that with the increasing number of these installations, an additional 1 GW of capacity could be added by the end of this year.

"Solar generation, which today provides support to our energy system throughout the day, is not only from large, powerful plants owned by businesses but also from private small solar power plants, of which we already have thousands. They make an extremely important contribution to supporting Ukraine's energy independence," Slobodian stated.

Growth in Distributed Generation

Slobodian highlighted the expectation of a continued increase in distributed generation installations by both businesses and citizens. He mentioned that the state is providing extensive support for the development of distributed generation.

"The state gives the maximum 'green light' for the development of distributed generation. All opportunities are opened for the fastest possible development: the connection procedure has been significantly simplified, the technical conditions for connecting to electric networks are required to be issued by Oblenergo within two days, rather than after 10 days as was previously the case. All permit documents have been simplified as much as possible - now only a certificate from the Central Administrative Agency on the need to install such an object is required," Slobodian explained.

Financial Support and Simplified Procedures

Further supporting this growth, the "5-7-9% Available Loans" program has been extended to include gas turbine and gas piston installations. Additionally, customs and tax procedures have been simplified to facilitate the adoption of renewable energy solutions.

A special program of preferential interest-free lending for five years will be available to citizens through the Entrepreneurship Development Fund, making solar energy more accessible to the public.

Slobodian also noted the decreasing cost of solar panels globally, with a basic 5 kW set now costing approximately $5,000.

Future Developments and Energy Resilience

Looking ahead, Ukraine plans to build 1 GW of flexible gas generation in 2024, with an additional 4 GW in the following years. This is part of a broader strategy to bolster the country's energy resilience and independence.

The need for such developments has become more pressing, as Ukraine has lost 9 GW of capacity since the end of March due to Russian shelling.

The advancements in solar power and the proactive measures taken by the government highlight Ukraine's commitment to enhancing its energy infrastructure and achieving greater energy independence amidst ongoing challenges.

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