Ukrainian Passport Entered the International Thirty in Global Mobility

by Meifan Honcharuk
Friday, July 21, 2023
Ukrainian Passport Entered the International Thirty in Global Mobility

"Henley & Partners" has published a new report on the influence of passports in 104 countries

Every year, the investment consulting company Henley & Partners compiles a list of the most influential national passports: the more countries work in a visa-free regime with a passport of a particular country the higher the place in the global mobility rating this passport gets. The rating is based on data from the International Air Transport Association.

In 2023, the passport of Ukraine reached 30th place out of 104 and overtook Qatar, India, Turkey and, of course, Russia. Ukrainians have the right to stay visa-free in 146 countries, which is 2 more and 5 positions higher than in 2022.

In 2022, Japan was in 1st place, but in 2023 the number of visa-free gates for the Japanese decreased by 4, and this year, Singapore is in 1st place and its access to 192 countries.

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