Ukrainian Startup Sells Cancer Cell Harvesting Services

by Olha Povaliaieva
Friday, February 11, 2022
Ukrainian Startup Sells Cancer Cell Harvesting Services

Startup "Audubon" sells biomaterials for $6.5 million

A surgeon Semykov Rostyslav from Zaporizhia, southern Ukraine, created the Bioscience project. As part of the startup, they collect human cancers, cells, and plasma. Then they deliver them to research institutions and firms. Semykov invested only $700 in the launch. In the first six months of the year, the company received large orders for $118 thousand. They allowed him to invest in development.

In 2021, the company's revenue reached $6.5 million. The average amount of Semikov's order cannot be calculated because the checks are very different.

"There are orders for both $100 and $1 million," said the scientist.

Audubon Bioscience sends biosamples to analysis institutes and corporations to test and develop new diagnostic tools and drugs. Customers pay a startup to obtain, process, and deliver samples. The company has over 70 clients, including:

  • The American Cancer Institute (NCI);
  • The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC);
  • Other pharmaceutical and biotech companies.

Another application is personalized medicine. It is possible to determine which cancer mutation is present in a patient to prescribe the most effective drug through bio-samples.

Ukrainian surgeon works based on laws and ethics. He does not pay donors for the samples taken, but he does ask them for permission to use the cut-out tumors. It is worth noting that Ukraine takes cancer seriously and treats all patients compassionately. Therefore, refusals are extremely rare.

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