Verkhovna Rada Ratifies Framework Agreement on Ukraine Facility Financing

by Roman Cheplyk
Thursday, June 6, 2024
Verkhovna Rada Ratifies Framework Agreement on Ukraine Facility Financing

On June 6, the Verkhovna Rada ratified the Framework Agreement on financing from the European Union under the Ukraine Facility program

This agreement, concluded between Ukraine and the EU, involves a total amount of 50 billion euros.

Key Points of the Agreement:

  1. Official Launch of the Ukraine Plan:

    • The agreement officially initiates the implementation of the Plan of Ukraine, defining mechanisms for financial cooperation between Ukraine and the EU.
    • Minister of Economy Yuliya Svyridenko explained that the ratification signifies the start of sustainable financial support for Ukraine.
  2. Transparency and Control:

    • Ukraine commits to maintaining a high level of transparency and control in the use of funds provided by the European Union.
    • Mechanisms will be established to prevent corruption and strengthen institutional capacity for monitoring and control.
  3. Coordination with the EU:

    • The agreement ensures close cooperation between Ukrainian state authorities and EU institutions, aiding in Ukraine's European integration.
  4. Pre-Financing and Regular Payments:

    • A Financial and Credit Agreement will be concluded soon, allowing Ukraine to attract 1.89 billion euros in pre-financing this month.
    • Ukraine will continue to receive regular payments based on the fulfillment of the Plan's indicators.


  • On May 22, Minister Yuliya Svyridenko and EU Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Vargei signed the Framework Agreement on financing, marking a significant step in Ukraine's path towards European integration and financial stability.
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