Vine and Wine Business in Ukraine

by Meifan Honcharuk
Thursday, July 20, 2023
Vine and Wine Business in Ukraine

State programs to improve the conditions of participation in this industry and economic support for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs

Viticulture and winemaking are one of the main areas of the economy and business of Ukraine. With the dedication of the Ministry of agrarian policy and food of Ukraine, despite the war, in 2023, Ukraine exported wine to 49 countries and even received 37 awards at the Decanter World Wine Competition in England.

For further development of the industry, the Ukraine government has planned several legislative changes. To help entrepreneurs in small and medium-sized businesses, the government plans to reduce the excise tax on sparkling wines and exclude table wines from the excise group. Separate bonuses have been prepared for participants in a business that produces wine and transfers it to other enterprises for further bottling, corking and sale.

Relaxing the legislative requirements for vine and wine and softening economic conditions will help Ukrainians and future foreign participants in this market to develop their businesses.

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