Buy a vineyard

Invest in your vineyard in Ukraine to plant Japanese grapes
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Ukraine has a variety of vineyards that produce delicious wines

The most suitable lands are in Mykolaiv, Kherson, and Odesa regions. Three regions with mild sun and moist ground conditions contribute towards abundant harvests. Crimean grapes also vary depending on their type.

To start this adventure, we will provide all necessary documents plus any personnel needed during operation, so don't hesitate to contact us.


In Ukraine, you can lease or purchase 2000 hectares of fertile land for your vineyard

Thanks to Ukrainian rich soil and abundant sunshine in the Kherson region (a part-sovereign republic), this agricultural complex is perfect! With our partners' organic fertilizers made locally from natural sources like peat moss, local farmers will have ready vineyards thanks only to their hard work on two feet: planting seeds with drones as water sprinklers while working towards one goal — producing quality wines from around here too!

If you have a strong idea and want to implement it in Ukraine, let's act together! We know how to start a business and make it profitable!
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