Starting a business

Start a Mexican business in Ukraine
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Ukraine has a transparent procedure for starting businesses that investors from Mexico can follow with ease

The process begins by registering your company in the national database and then following specific steps to open it up on GT Invest's platform, explicitly designed for Ukrainians who want to invest back into their country’s latest economic miracle!

The Ukrainian government is open to investment from Mexico. With GT Invest, you can start your brainchild with just a few steps: 

  • Relevant market analysis and strategy development plan
  • Business registration and legal assistance
  • A search of location and land purchase
  • Obtaining permissions and putting the business into action
The first step is to open a bank account, which will require certain documents

Next, you need employees for your company and developing software that helps manage businesses or other types of organizations like tax preparation services if they are required. Once this has been established, purchase equipment to become part of the working environment within those departments where necessary work gets done most efficiently (eagerly await new technology).

Are you looking to start your own business? Consider Ukraine

IT is a professional with skills in demand today who wants to make some extra cash on weekends while traveling Europe. All these opportunities wait for those who can fill them right here at home. 

Hotel Business. More people than ever before visiting our country every year; it’s not difficult then why there's a need among tourists looking forward to stays at hotels throughout their stay and international travelers seeking reasonable accommodations when visiting Ukrainians from abroad.

If you decide to move your business outside Mexico and develop in another country — GT Invest is awaiting your request

Let's build your successful future in Ukraine together.

If you have a strong idea and want to implement it in Ukraine, let's act together! We know how to start a business and make it profitable!
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