Animals of Ukrainian Zoos Want to Live

by Olha Povaliaieva
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Animals of Ukrainian Zoos Want to Live

Ukrainians raise money on their own for food and medicine for animals in zoos and are also looking for investors and charitable foundations to save pets

The European Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EAZA) has raised over $635.000 to help Ukrainian zoos affected by the Russian invasion. The fund has already made the first transfers to needy zoos. This was stated by the European Association of Zoos and Aquariums, writes CNN.

Representatives of the organization said they had already made initial cash transfers to needy zoos from the fund.

"These transfers are intended to enable zoos to cover the cost of timely replenishment of food and other essential supplies," EAZA.

By the way, a rare black rhino was born on March 4 at the Czech Safari Park Dvůr Králové. In honor of Ukraine's courageous resistance to the Russian "army", the baby rhino was named Kyiv.

"The name is another expression of our support for Ukrainian heroes," said zoo director Premysl Rabas.

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