Benefits of Unemployment in Ukraine

by Meifan Honcharuk
Sunday, August 27, 2023
Benefits of Unemployment in Ukraine

During the war, 44.000 unemployed Ukrainians joined groups to rebuild destroyed cities

The Army of Recovery is an organisation that originated in Ukraine in response to the ruination that the Russian war brought to our country. The State employment service has created a voluntary employment program in the country's favour. Every Ukrainian who, for some reason, found himself without a job can join public works to remove rubble, clean the streets of debris, and plant trees in settlements affected by the war.

From October 2022 to August 2023, 43.624 Ukrainians joined the Recovery army, every day turning a pile of broken bricks into someone's home again.

These works are carried out within the framework of the labour legislation of Ukraine, they are paid and credited to the length of service. Those who clean only in their free time from their main work can participate in rave-cleanups.

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