Massive Missile Strike on the Dnipro

by Meifan Honcharuk
Friday, August 25, 2023
Massive Missile Strike on the Dnipro

At 2:28 a. m., the Russian military attacked the city's civilian infrastructure 

Russia, like a year ago, "congratulated" the residents of Dnipro on Independence Day. The occupiers again fired several rockets into the central part of the city while everyone was sleeping. It is known that terrorists fired missiles from the territory of the Russian Federation (Rostov region) and occupied Tokmak in the Zaporizhzhia region.

The Ukrainian Air Force shot down one missile. But other air targets hit the city's central bus station, bank, hotel, and 2 apartment buildings that are nearby. In addition, trolleybus lines, several cars and three buses were destroyed. 10 people woke up from shrapnel wounds after an overnight explosion. The victims were taken to hospital with lacerations. 6 remain under medical supervision.

Dnipro, on 3 sides, is in contact with the regions where the armed forces of Ukraine actively hold the enemy. This city is an important link in the war. But the Kremlin cannot reach it, so it launches dastardly rocket attacks at night. Recall on January 14, 2023, a Russian missile killed about 50 people in the Dnipro. The occupiers again blew up a residential complex in the city's centre.

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