Transport Visa-Free Ukraine-Moldova

by Olha Povaliaieva
Saturday, August 27, 2022
Transport Visa-Free Ukraine-Moldova

From September 1, Ukraine will export its goods to and through Moldova under a simplified regulation

Deputy minister of infrastructure of Ukraine Mustafa Nayem told reporters that the process of concluding a transport visa-free is fully completed.

"This is the last step towards abolishing the permitting regime with all neighbouring countries. After signing the "transport without a visa" with the European Union, Moldova remained the only country on our borders with which freight traffic was not liberalized," Mustafa Nayem.

The signing of an agreement with Moldova is significant since this direction of the commodity flow is one of the busiest. Stopping the cargo even for a few days entails enormous losses for both the sender and the customer.

"Last year, the total trade turnover between our countries increased by almost a third compared to the year before. The war made its adjustments, and given the blocking of most Ukrainian ports, the Moldovan direction has become even more important," the minister Nayem.

On August 22, the railway communication between Berezino (Ukraine) and Bessarabeasca (Moldova) was restored.

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