Ukraine Adopts Law on the Status of the English Language

by Roman Cheplyk
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Ukraine Adopts Law on the Status of the English Language

The Verkhovna Rada has passed draft law No. 9432, which officially establishes the status of English as one of the languages of international communication in Ukraine

People's deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak from the "Voice" faction reported this milestone.


  • Project Initiation: In October 2022, Mykhailo Fedorov proposed the introduction of English as a full-fledged second language for business communication.
  • Presidential Submission: On Constitution Day in 2023, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy submitted a draft law to the Verkhovna Rada to grant English the status of an international communication language.

Key Provisions of the Law:

  • Status: English is officially recognized as one of the languages of international communication in Ukraine.
  • Mandatory Knowledge:
    • Civil Servants: Categories A, B, and C civil servants must know English at a level not lower than B2, with a 10% salary bonus for compliance.
    • Local Administrations: Heads and their deputies must have mandatory English knowledge.
    • Military and Police: Contract servicemen of the officer, sergeant, and senior ranks, as well as police officers of the middle and higher ranks, must know English. However, during martial law, these requirements do not apply to military personnel and police.
  • Education:
    • Early Learning: Children will begin learning English from kindergarten, and it will remain a compulsory subject in schools.
    • Teacher Training: Special training will be provided for teachers to improve their qualifications in English.
  • Public Announcements: Announcements in public transport, railway, and bus stations will also be made in English.
  • Examinations:
    • Officials will take the English language exam free of charge, organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
    • The exam can be taken no more than once every four months, but there is no limit to the number of attempts.

This law aims to enhance the international communication capabilities of Ukraine, making English a pivotal part of the nation's administrative, educational, and public service sectors.

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