Who of the Russians Might Remove Putin

by Roman Cheplyk
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Who of the Russians Might Remove Putin

There will be no revolution in Russia because a revolution requires a large number of conscious people

Andriy Yusov, a representative of the intelligence headquarters at the Ministry of defence of Ukraine, explained the conditions under which the government in Russia can change. The basis for this has already been laid — this is a warrant for Putin's arrest. Then — a bend among the people. Ideally — a revolution, but a revolution requires a larger number of conscious citizens than there are today. First of all, those who have something to lose and those who have already lost something will rebel: oligarchs and relatives of the dead occupiers.

"In Russia, the number of people who want to distance themselves from the so-called Putin is increasing, including among those who are in power today," Andriy Yusov.

Indeed, there is still a category of people who received a fur coat for their murdered son and continue to support Putin. But this reality does not suit the Russian elites. And very soon we will probably see drastic changes in Moskovia. Although for a country where the president has not changed for 25 years, any changes are drastic.

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