Canadian Lucky Gives a Part of Lottery Winning to Ukraine

by Olha Povaliaieva
Sunday, June 12, 2022
Canadian Lucky Gives a Part of Lottery Winning to Ukraine

Canadian pensioner Marcel Lucier announced his intention to donate part of the $70 million jackpot for the restoration of Ukraine

According to CTV News, a $70 million lottery draw took place this week in Canada: Marcel Lucier is the winner. Mr. Lucier decided to donate part of the amount to charity: for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine and in support of projects aimed at children with autism. Marcel Lucier's plans also include a long-awaited cruise with his wife, which was postponed several times due to the pandemic.

"Marcel Luciere says he intends to use part of hit $70 million jackpot to help rebuild Ukraine and support projects helping children with autism," CTV News.

According to the Ministry of culture and information policy of Ukraine, the Russian army damaged or destroyed at least 388 cultural monuments in Ukraine. Often, entire cities-monuments of architecture become targets: Odesa, Lviv, and (tonight) Chortkiv.

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