The Day of Tank Troops of Ukraine

by Meifan Honcharuk
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
The Day of Tank Troops of Ukraine

"Khortytsia" operational and strategic group of troops

On September 14, Ukrainians celebrated the Day of our tank forces. It is these troops who fight on the front lines and liberate Ukraine from the Russian occupation. Thanks to them, the Ukrainian flag again flew over Izyum, Kherson, Avdiivka and so on.

These are fighters of the Khortytsia operational and strategic group of troops. They got their name from the island of Khortytsia in the Zaporizhia region: the one on which the glorious Ukrainian Cossacks were born, which resisted Russian conquest operations against free Ukraine for centuries.

Photographers: Liberovy Spouses, Rick Mave, 47th SMB, Marian Kushnir, Yevhen Titov, 33rd SMB, Diego Herrera, Laurel Chor.

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