Under Amazon's terms, depending on the value of the item sold, the seller is required to pay the platform 7% to 17%. The average sale price was 15%. From September 6, Ukrainian entrepreneurs got a chance to develop their business on Amazon without a commission: the marketplace cancelled the interest rate on its services for Ukrainians. This bonus will last for a year and applies to sales made to buyers in the EU and the UK.
"Ukrainian entrepreneurs will be able to scale more actively in the European and global markets and find new customers there. This will be a powerful impetus for the popularization of Ukraine and our business abroad. New conditions for Ukrainian entrepreneurs is a victory on the economic front," minister of digital transformation Mykhailo Fedorov.
Amazon's decision was made in response to a joint appeal from Ukrainian public and private organizations: the Ministry of digital transformation, Ukrposhta (state postal operator), Discover Agency and Startup Ukraine (marketplace).
Previously, Amazon and Amazon Web Services provided Ukraine with servers for storing backup registries, thus supporting Ukraine for more than $35 million. For this, Volodymyr Zelenskyy awarded the service a Peace Prize.