EU Political Assistance

by Olha Povaliaieva
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
EU Political Assistance

Returning of the EU delegation to Kyiv, support for European aspirations, the provision of weapons, funding, and even the creation of a Ukrainian account for the European Parliament on "Twitter"

On April 11, the EU delegation resumed its work in Ukraine. Due to the Russian attack on Ukraine, the EU ambassador to Ukraine Matti Maasikas was forced to leave the country. On April 9, after returning to Kyiv, Matti Maasikas raised the EU flag on the flagpole and tweeted “So happy to be back in Kyiv.”

Josep Borrell, the EU high representative for foreign affairs and security Policy, confirmed his confidence in Ukraine's victory. Borrel also added that Russia's crime against evacuees from Kramatorsk demonstrates Putin's disrespect for human life.

"An additional €500 million from the EU is underway. Arms deliveries will be tailored to the needs of Ukraine," Josep Borrell.

It should be noted that recently, the United States of America also granted a lend-lease to Ukraine because they see our military dignity and believe in our victory against the sick autocracy of the Kremlin.

According to the high representative of the EU, all 27 EU countries support the provision of weapons and funding to Ukraine because if the decision was not unanimous, there would be no talk of any assistance.

"Hungary and Bulgaria are also participating in financing weapons that the European Union supplies to Ukraine. It is not true that they do not participate. If they did not participate, assistance to Ukraine would be impossible because decisions are taken unanimously", Borrell.

Roberta Metsola, president of the European Parliament, who recently visited Ukraine, announced the creation of a Twitter account for the European Parliament in Ukrainian. This decision is legal for Ukraine and every Ukrainian in Ukraine and worldwide. Moreover, the creation of an account of the European Parliament in the state language of Ukraine signals the mood of European countries regarding our state.

"Together we will succeed: welcome to the new page of the European Parliament on Twitter in Ukrainian! Here you will find the latest news on how the EU supports Ukraine in its struggle," EP president.

Irish prime minister Michael Martin supported Ukraine's application for membership in the European Union and added that our country's membership is of strategic interest to the European Union.

"You have chosen to apply for EU membership. We know that EU enlargement has been a force for stabilization and democratization in Europe's neighbors. It is in the strategic interest of the European Union. It is in Ukraine's interest," said Michael Martin.

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