“Europa. Peace – the Greatest Value of the People”

by Meifan Honcharuk
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
“Europa. Peace – the Greatest Value of the People”

The national Ukrainian postal operator "Ukrpostha" issued a thematic stamp for Europe Day

In Ukraine has already become a tradition to create stamps that reflect essential events in the country. On May 9, the national post office Ukrposhta presented the Europe Day stamp – Europa. Peace – the greatest value of people. The stamp is divided into 2 parts. One of them depicts a woman who symbolizes homeland, flowers, and planes missing in Ukraine because of the Russian military invasion. This drawing belongs to the artist from Kharkiv, Maria Suslova; she took part in the sketch competition from Ukrposhta and took second place. The second part of the stamp depicts a symbol of peace, created based on a Celtic love knot. The authors of this symbol were designers Linda Bos and Runa Egilsdottir, who had previously presented the symbol on behalf of Luxembourg Post at the PostEurop sketch competition.

"This stamp is our way to show that we want peace for our country and the entire free world," commented Ukrposhta.

The postal operator also added that peace is now impossible because Russia is conducting military aggression. Therefore, the only way to return the greatest value to all people is to defeat the Russian military aggressor.

Recall that Zelenskyy signed the law on the celebration of Europe Day together with civilized countries of the world.

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